Pool Shock

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Pool Shock Information

As a weekly requirement for proper pool maintenance and upkeep, you'll go through a significant amount of shock during the summer months. Whether you prefer chlorine or chlorine-free shock, WinterPoolSupplies.com has you covered.

When Should I Shock My Pool?

During the swimming season, it's recommended to shock your pool approximately every 7-10 days. Additionally, shock your pool after a rainstorm, pool party, or when there is a high bather load. This will help break down combined chloramines and improve the effectiveness of your sanitizer. Shocking your pool also helps restore chlorine levels by eliminating bacterial buildup.

How Much Shock to Use?

The amount of shock required depends on your pool size, the reason for shocking, and the type of shock you're using. Always refer to the recommended amounts mentioned on the packaging or our website. As a general guideline, you can use the following estimates:

  • To increase chlorine levels, use ½ pound (or half a bag) of shock for every 10,000 gallons of water.
  • If your water appears cloudy, use 1 pound (or one bag) of shock for every 10,000 gallons.
  • For treating algae, use 2 to 6 pounds (or 2 to 6 bags) of shock per 10,000 gallons, depending on the severity of the algae. The greener and darker the water, the more shock you should add. Note; if you opt for a stronger shock, you may require a lesser quantity.

Which Type of Shock to Use?

For regular maintenance, you can use either chlorine-free shock or chlorine-based shock. If you notice algae growth, it's recommended to use chlorine shock or super shock. In the case of an existing algae bloom, consider using super shock. For severe algae blooms, a higher dosage of super shock or mega shock should be considered.